(function () {
var searchreplace = (function () {
'use strict';
var Cell = function (initial) {
var value = initial;
var get = function () {
return value;
var set = function (v) {
value = v;
var clone = function () {
return Cell(get());
return {
get: get,
set: set,
clone: clone
var global = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.PluginManager');
var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Tools');
function isContentEditableFalse(node) {
return node && node.nodeType === 1 && node.contentEditable === 'false';
function findAndReplaceDOMText(regex, node, replacementNode, captureGroup, schema) {
var m;
var matches = [];
var text, count = 0, doc;
var blockElementsMap, hiddenTextElementsMap, shortEndedElementsMap;
doc = node.ownerDocument;
blockElementsMap = schema.getBlockElements();
hiddenTextElementsMap = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
shortEndedElementsMap = schema.getShortEndedElements();
function getMatchIndexes(m, captureGroup) {
captureGroup = captureGroup || 0;
if (!m[0]) {
throw new Error('findAndReplaceDOMText cannot handle zero-length matches');
var index = m.index;
if (captureGroup > 0) {
var cg = m[captureGroup];
if (!cg) {
throw new Error('Invalid capture group');
index += m[0].indexOf(cg);
m[0] = cg;
return [
index + m[0].length,
function getText(node) {
var txt;
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
return node.data;
if (hiddenTextElementsMap[node.nodeName] && !blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
return '';
txt = '';
if (isContentEditableFalse(node)) {
return '\n';
if (blockElementsMap[node.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
txt += '\n';
if (node = node.firstChild) {
do {
txt += getText(node);
} while (node = node.nextSibling);
return txt;
function stepThroughMatches(node, matches, replaceFn) {
var startNode, endNode, startNodeIndex, endNodeIndex, innerNodes = [], atIndex = 0, curNode = node, matchLocation = matches.shift(), matchIndex = 0;
while (true) {
if (blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || shortEndedElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || isContentEditableFalse(curNode)) {
if (curNode.nodeType === 3) {
if (!endNode && curNode.length + atIndex >= matchLocation[1]) {
endNode = curNode;
endNodeIndex = matchLocation[1] - atIndex;
} else if (startNode) {
if (!startNode && curNode.length + atIndex > matchLocation[0]) {
startNode = curNode;
startNodeIndex = matchLocation[0] - atIndex;
atIndex += curNode.length;
if (startNode && endNode) {
curNode = replaceFn({
startNode: startNode,
startNodeIndex: startNodeIndex,
endNode: endNode,
endNodeIndex: endNodeIndex,
innerNodes: innerNodes,
match: matchLocation[2],
matchIndex: matchIndex
atIndex -= endNode.length - endNodeIndex;
startNode = null;
endNode = null;
innerNodes = [];
matchLocation = matches.shift();
if (!matchLocation) {
} else if ((!hiddenTextElementsMap[curNode.nodeName] || blockElementsMap[curNode.nodeName]) && curNode.firstChild) {
if (!isContentEditableFalse(curNode)) {
curNode = curNode.firstChild;
} else if (curNode.nextSibling) {
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
while (true) {
if (curNode.nextSibling) {
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
} else if (curNode.parentNode !== node) {
curNode = curNode.parentNode;
} else {
break out;
function genReplacer(nodeName) {
var makeReplacementNode;
if (typeof nodeName !== 'function') {
var stencilNode_1 = nodeName.nodeType ? nodeName : doc.createElement(nodeName);
makeReplacementNode = function (fill, matchIndex) {
var clone = stencilNode_1.cloneNode(false);
clone.setAttribute('data-mce-index', matchIndex);
if (fill) {
return clone;
} else {
makeReplacementNode = nodeName;
return function (range) {
var before;
var after;
var parentNode;
var startNode = range.startNode;
var endNode = range.endNode;
var matchIndex = range.matchIndex;
if (startNode === endNode) {
var node_1 = startNode;
parentNode = node_1.parentNode;
if (range.startNodeIndex > 0) {
before = doc.createTextNode(node_1.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
parentNode.insertBefore(before, node_1);
var el = makeReplacementNode(range.match[0], matchIndex);
parentNode.insertBefore(el, node_1);
if (range.endNodeIndex < node_1.length) {
after = doc.createTextNode(node_1.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
parentNode.insertBefore(after, node_1);
return el;
before = doc.createTextNode(startNode.data.substring(0, range.startNodeIndex));
after = doc.createTextNode(endNode.data.substring(range.endNodeIndex));
var elA = makeReplacementNode(startNode.data.substring(range.startNodeIndex), matchIndex);
for (var i = 0, l = range.innerNodes.length; i < l; ++i) {
var innerNode = range.innerNodes[i];
var innerEl = makeReplacementNode(innerNode.data, matchIndex);
innerNode.parentNode.replaceChild(innerEl, innerNode);
var elB = makeReplacementNode(endNode.data.substring(0, range.endNodeIndex), matchIndex);
parentNode = startNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(before, startNode);
parentNode.insertBefore(elA, startNode);
parentNode = endNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore(elB, endNode);
parentNode.insertBefore(after, endNode);
return elB;
text = getText(node);
if (!text) {
if (regex.global) {
while (m = regex.exec(text)) {
matches.push(getMatchIndexes(m, captureGroup));
} else {
m = text.match(regex);
matches.push(getMatchIndexes(m, captureGroup));
if (matches.length) {
count = matches.length;
stepThroughMatches(node, matches, genReplacer(replacementNode));
return count;
var FindReplaceText = { findAndReplaceDOMText: findAndReplaceDOMText };
var getElmIndex = function (elm) {
var value = elm.getAttribute('data-mce-index');
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return '' + value;
return value;
var markAllMatches = function (editor, currentIndexState, regex) {
var node, marker;
marker = editor.dom.create('span', { 'data-mce-bogus': 1 });
marker.className = 'mce-match-marker';
node = editor.getBody();
done(editor, currentIndexState, false);
return FindReplaceText.findAndReplaceDOMText(regex, node, marker, false, editor.schema);
var unwrap = function (node) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (node.firstChild) {
parentNode.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node);
var findSpansByIndex = function (editor, index) {
var nodes;
var spans = [];
nodes = global$1.toArray(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('span'));
if (nodes.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeIndex = getElmIndex(nodes[i]);
if (nodeIndex === null || !nodeIndex.length) {
if (nodeIndex === index.toString()) {
return spans;
var moveSelection = function (editor, currentIndexState, forward) {
var testIndex = currentIndexState.get();
var dom = editor.dom;
forward = forward !== false;
if (forward) {
} else {
dom.removeClass(findSpansByIndex(editor, currentIndexState.get()), 'mce-match-marker-selected');
var spans = findSpansByIndex(editor, testIndex);
if (spans.length) {
dom.addClass(findSpansByIndex(editor, testIndex), 'mce-match-marker-selected');
return testIndex;
return -1;
var removeNode = function (dom, node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
if (dom.isEmpty(parent)) {
var find = function (editor, currentIndexState, text, matchCase, wholeWord) {
text = text.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');
text = text.replace(/\s/g, '[^\\S\\r\\n]');
text = wholeWord ? '\\b' + text + '\\b' : text;
var count = markAllMatches(editor, currentIndexState, new RegExp(text, matchCase ? 'g' : 'gi'));
if (count) {
currentIndexState.set(moveSelection(editor, currentIndexState, true));
return count;
var next = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
var index = moveSelection(editor, currentIndexState, true);
if (index !== -1) {
var prev = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
var index = moveSelection(editor, currentIndexState, false);
if (index !== -1) {
var isMatchSpan = function (node) {
var matchIndex = getElmIndex(node);
return matchIndex !== null && matchIndex.length > 0;
var replace = function (editor, currentIndexState, text, forward, all) {
var i, nodes, node, matchIndex, currentMatchIndex, nextIndex = currentIndexState.get(), hasMore;
forward = forward !== false;
node = editor.getBody();
nodes = global$1.grep(global$1.toArray(node.getElementsByTagName('span')), isMatchSpan);
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeIndex = getElmIndex(nodes[i]);
matchIndex = currentMatchIndex = parseInt(nodeIndex, 10);
if (all || matchIndex === currentIndexState.get()) {
if (text.length) {
nodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue = text;
} else {
removeNode(editor.dom, nodes[i]);
while (nodes[++i]) {
matchIndex = parseInt(getElmIndex(nodes[i]), 10);
if (matchIndex === currentMatchIndex) {
removeNode(editor.dom, nodes[i]);
} else {
if (forward) {
} else if (currentMatchIndex > currentIndexState.get()) {
nodes[i].setAttribute('data-mce-index', currentMatchIndex - 1);
if (forward) {
hasMore = hasNext(editor, currentIndexState);
next(editor, currentIndexState);
} else {
hasMore = hasPrev(editor, currentIndexState);
prev(editor, currentIndexState);
return !all && hasMore;
var done = function (editor, currentIndexState, keepEditorSelection) {
var i, nodes, startContainer, endContainer;
nodes = global$1.toArray(editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('span'));
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeIndex = getElmIndex(nodes[i]);
if (nodeIndex !== null && nodeIndex.length) {
if (nodeIndex === currentIndexState.get().toString()) {
if (!startContainer) {
startContainer = nodes[i].firstChild;
endContainer = nodes[i].firstChild;
if (startContainer && endContainer) {
var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
rng.setStart(startContainer, 0);
rng.setEnd(endContainer, endContainer.data.length);
if (keepEditorSelection !== false) {
return rng;
var hasNext = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
return findSpansByIndex(editor, currentIndexState.get() + 1).length > 0;
var hasPrev = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
return findSpansByIndex(editor, currentIndexState.get() - 1).length > 0;
var Actions = {
done: done,
find: find,
next: next,
prev: prev,
replace: replace,
hasNext: hasNext,
hasPrev: hasPrev
var get = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
var done = function (keepEditorSelection) {
return Actions.done(editor, currentIndexState, keepEditorSelection);
var find = function (text, matchCase, wholeWord) {
return Actions.find(editor, currentIndexState, text, matchCase, wholeWord);
var next = function () {
return Actions.next(editor, currentIndexState);
var prev = function () {
return Actions.prev(editor, currentIndexState);
var replace = function (text, forward, all) {
return Actions.replace(editor, currentIndexState, text, forward, all);
return {
done: done,
find: find,
next: next,
prev: prev,
replace: replace
var Api = { get: get };
var open = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
var last = {}, selectedText;
selectedText = global$1.trim(editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }));
function updateButtonStates() {
win.statusbar.find('#next').disabled(Actions.hasNext(editor, currentIndexState) === false);
win.statusbar.find('#prev').disabled(Actions.hasPrev(editor, currentIndexState) === false);
function notFoundAlert() {
editor.windowManager.alert('Could not find the specified string.', function () {
var win = editor.windowManager.open({
layout: 'flex',
pack: 'center',
align: 'center',
onClose: function () {
Actions.done(editor, currentIndexState);
onSubmit: function (e) {
var count, caseState, text, wholeWord;
caseState = win.find('#case').checked();
wholeWord = win.find('#words').checked();
text = win.find('#find').value();
if (!text.length) {
Actions.done(editor, currentIndexState, false);
if (last.text === text && last.caseState === caseState && last.wholeWord === wholeWord) {
if (!Actions.hasNext(editor, currentIndexState)) {
Actions.next(editor, currentIndexState);
count = Actions.find(editor, currentIndexState, text, caseState, wholeWord);
if (!count) {
win.statusbar.items().slice(1).disabled(count === 0);
last = {
text: text,
caseState: caseState,
wholeWord: wholeWord
buttons: [
text: 'Find',
subtype: 'primary',
onclick: function () {
text: 'Replace',
disabled: true,
onclick: function () {
if (!Actions.replace(editor, currentIndexState, win.find('#replace').value())) {
last = {};
text: 'Replace all',
disabled: true,
onclick: function () {
Actions.replace(editor, currentIndexState, win.find('#replace').value(), true, true);
last = {};
type: 'spacer',
flex: 1
text: 'Prev',
name: 'prev',
disabled: true,
onclick: function () {
Actions.prev(editor, currentIndexState);
text: 'Next',
name: 'next',
disabled: true,
onclick: function () {
Actions.next(editor, currentIndexState);
title: 'Find and replace',
items: {
type: 'form',
padding: 20,
labelGap: 30,
spacing: 10,
items: [
type: 'textbox',
name: 'find',
size: 40,
label: 'Find',
value: selectedText
type: 'textbox',
name: 'replace',
size: 40,
label: 'Replace with'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'case',
text: 'Match case',
label: ' '
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'words',
text: 'Whole words',
label: ' '
var Dialog = { open: open };
var register = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
editor.addCommand('SearchReplace', function () {
Dialog.open(editor, currentIndexState);
var Commands = { register: register };
var showDialog = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
return function () {
Dialog.open(editor, currentIndexState);
var register$1 = function (editor, currentIndexState) {
editor.addMenuItem('searchreplace', {
text: 'Find and replace',
shortcut: 'Meta+F',
onclick: showDialog(editor, currentIndexState),
separator: 'before',
context: 'edit'
editor.addButton('searchreplace', {
tooltip: 'Find and replace',
onclick: showDialog(editor, currentIndexState)
editor.shortcuts.add('Meta+F', '', showDialog(editor, currentIndexState));
var Buttons = { register: register$1 };
global.add('searchreplace', function (editor) {
var currentIndexState = Cell(-1);
Commands.register(editor, currentIndexState);
Buttons.register(editor, currentIndexState);
return Api.get(editor, currentIndexState);
function Plugin () {
return Plugin;
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function fs_is_network_admin() in /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-admin-notice-manager.php:135
Stack trace:
#0 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-admin-notice-manager.php(93): FS_Admin_Notice_Manager->__construct()
#1 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/class-fs-admin-notices.php(101): FS_Admin_Notice_Manager::instance()
#2 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/class-fs-admin-notices.php(65): FS_Admin_Notices->__construct()
#3 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php(3419): FS_Admin_Notices::instance()
#4 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/class-freemius.php(2809): Freemius::_load_required_static()
#5 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/start.php(553): Freemius::instance()
#6 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/functions.php(1126): fs_dynamic_init()
#7 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/oceanwp/functions.php(1152): owp_fs()
#8 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-settings.php(668): include('/home/u77536385...')
#9 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-config.php(103): require_once('/home/u77536385...')
#10 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/u77536385...')
#11 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/u77536385...')
#12 /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/u77536385...')
#13 {main}
thrown in /home/u775363855/domains/beautique-suites.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/freemius/includes/managers/class-fs-admin-notice-manager.php on line 135